2020 is a New Decade and a perfect time to start a new chapter of your life.
As we enter the goal setting season, I think it is important that when you set your goals, you give yourself the best chance of success. Especially when you look at the failure rates according to Forbes, 92 percent of people failing to reach their targets.
Here are some goal setting tips that I have used which will help you to join the 8 percent of people who achieve their goals.
Start with self-reflection. The best way to start thinking of new goals is to reflect on what you have achieved so far.
Make sure your goals are SMART.
1. Your goals should be specific, simple, significant (do not set general goals), the more specific they are the better. Let’s say you want to lose weight. That is a general goal, you need to specify how you want to do that. Put a plan in place. Consider what you are going to eat, what exercise you are going to do, for how long you are planning doing it, how much weight you want to lose, what is the deadline for that etc.
2. Your goals should be measurable. Let’s say you want to lose 1 stone in the next 3 months. 1 pond a week. You can decide to check your weight weekly or monthly to make sure that you are on track.
3. Your goal should be achievable. You should push your boundaries but do not be too strict with yourself because if you do not achieve your partial goals you will be demotivated and you will give up. You should also know when to ask for help.
4. The goals should be relevant and realistic. You should ask yourself
Is this the right time to do it? Does this match other needs? Obviously, you will not start a weight loss program before Christmas because you might not be able to keep it, or you might but then you need to be very determined and focused.
5. Time bound. Have your plan ready. See what you can achieve in a week, in a month, in 3 months, in a year. Be flexible if you didn’t lose the weight you wanted in a certain period of time don’t be sad just keep going, be flexible and be kind to yourself.
I realised that some people want the change to happen but they do not do anything about it. They just wait and hope that the miracle will happen.
Have your plans ready, know what you want to achieve and take your time to plan it as detailed as you can. The more thought you put into it the better. The universe always delivers what we wish for but if they are vague that is what you are going to get.
Don’t forget the power is within you. It is never too late to change.
Call Tunde on 0874170259 if you need help.